December 07, 2009
EOE Fail

Ok, I get that some folks could be skeeved out by transgender people. Being raised in the deep South, I know there are an unfortunate number of people so badly skeeved out they do stupid things. You know, like leave a nasty, threatening voice mail message on the phone of a transgender teen who just applied for a job at their McDonalds. A bit of a shame, really. The bottom rungs of McDs are rightfully seen as a kind of hell, but the truth is it's not a dead end. Far from it. Work at it hard enough, long enough, and McDs will make someone with a high school diploma very wealthy indeed.

But not for this guy. No, this guy let his prejudices override his professionalism, and now what likely was a bright future is now a dead end.

Karma's a bitch, ain't it?

Posted by scott at December 07, 2009 10:17 PM

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