March 24, 2009
Now That's Just Tacky

Nothing like a couple of gung-ho nutjobs to ruin the reputation of a whole group:

Israel's military condemned soldiers for wearing T-shirts of a pregnant woman in a rifle's cross-hairs with the slogan "1 Shot 2 Kills," and another of a gun-toting child with the words, "The smaller they are, the harder it is."

Look, liberals don't need an excuse to flip out. Doing something like this is like pouring rocket fuel on a particularly loony fire.

Posted by scott at March 24, 2009 10:15 AM

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All the screeching about Israeli soldiers "confessing" to war crimes reminds me of the Scott Ritter incident. Seems this sort of thing gets a lot more publicized whenever a leader is elected who's even the slightest bit right-wing.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on March 24, 2009 02:39 PM

It's an odd thing, but normally when I see someone calling out a liberal group for the actions of a few, they get called on it. Something like exception not being the rule (think ACORN if you need an example). However, I get the feeling that the same courtesy will not be extended here...

Posted by: ronaprhys on March 25, 2009 08:50 AM
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