January 24, 2008
Couldn't Have Happened to a Nicer Guy

Brings a whole new meaning to, "fall down go boom."

A recent book I read discussed at some length how over time humanity seems to have genetically "bred out" its more violent traits. It would seem Western Europe's transformation from a seething hotbed of violence to the milquetoast of the developed world would bear this sort of thing out. I wonder if, by literally blowing themselves out of the gene pool, the Arab cultures will eventually tame themselves in just such a fashion?

Posted by scott at January 24, 2008 10:19 AM

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What's the basic premise on that? Because I'd assume that not to be the case - just that we tend to find more socially acceptable methods to express that inclination.

My theory would be that the violent types tend to be less educated and breed more prior to killing themselves off.

As a side note to the story - Fark has a funny pic of God from The Holy Grail saying "Where is your Allah NOW? PWNT!

Posted by: Ron on January 24, 2008 11:30 AM

All I can say is:

yes, there is justice in the universe after all!

Remember, in the Arab world, the current year is AH 1429. As, as I have said before, they're at about the same level of cultural development (i.e., violence )as we were in AD 1429.

Explaining their inclination to "go Medieval on our [collective] ass"!

Posted by: Mark on January 24, 2008 12:07 PM
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