January 17, 2008
Wine Go Boom

Deadly explosions at fireworks factories I expect, but in a winery, not so much. They bubble a lot of CO2, but I can't think off hand just what in wine making would be unstable enough to blow the roof off.

Posted by scott at January 17, 2008 07:12 AM

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Wow...it's not like wine has very high concentrations of ethanol...wine doesn't easily take a flame.

Definitely not like a whiskey distillery!

Posted by: Mark on January 17, 2008 08:59 AM

...and as diffuse as whatever alcohol would then be in the air...it's difficult to imagine that a welding torch could set it off.

Posted by: Mark on January 17, 2008 09:00 AM

You'd be surprised how much ethanol is thrown off during fermentation. It has a low vaporization point, and the heat of fermenting sugar/yeast compounds is enough to fill the air with a fair amount of fumes. Combine that with a building that has probably been in use for a number of years, and it's not surprising that a spark set things off.

I'm just surprised that no one thought of this and took precautions.

Posted by: Kat on January 17, 2008 07:29 PM

More than likely the precautions were out there and someone ignored them because the didn't understand the implications.

Posted by: ron on January 18, 2008 08:42 AM
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