January 03, 2008
Headlines, for the Rest of Us

Fark had its (as far as I can tell) first-ever "headline of the year" contest this year, and the winners are just great. Showbiz was my favorite category, with politics a close second.

Posted by scott at January 03, 2008 08:45 AM

eMail this entry!

Dunno how these missed getting the top honors:

We still don't know who put the "hot" in 'hottentot', or the "ape" in "apricot," but police have captured the man who put the "semen" in "the girls locked in his basement"

Girl, 14, impaled while having fun with friends. More fun than you can stake a chick at

No Child Left Behind' continues to struggle with the fact that some kids are just stupid. Not yours though

My personal favs.

Posted by: Ron on January 3, 2008 11:28 AM

My favorite is still:

At 12:06 pm, the Fark.com servers became self-aware. At 12:07 pm, a convoy of semis carrying Carlinger collided with a Frito Lay truck

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on January 3, 2008 09:02 PM
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