July 18, 2007
What the?!?

Making the rounds: quarterback Michael Vick has been indicted by a federal grand jury in a lurid dogfighting scandal. Comes complete with tales of vicious cruelty!

I enjoy watching NFL football in part because the players are distinctive and colorful. Sometimes I just wish they'd be slightly less so.

Posted by scott at July 18, 2007 10:42 AM

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This story has been brewing for quite awhile. To me, there's no doubt that the fighting occurred on property that Vick owned and rented to a friend/family member. His defense to date has been that he had no idea what was going on at his property. Personally, I think the story is bunk. The alleged fighting seems to go back a few years and to think that he never checked on things, or had a business associate do so to make sure nothing could be connected to him, is ludicrous at best.

Right now, we're all waiting to see if he gets suspended for the entire year (which would be in line with what Goodell, the new NFL Commish, seems to do to major offenders). If convicted, the general feeling I'm getting is a lifetime ban from the NFL, forfeiture of remaining salary, plus all the legal fines and jailtime.

Not that I'd not like to see worse. Starve him and Tyson, put them in a ring, and then see who lives. Vick might be fast, but Tyson's already shown that he'll bite - and he's much meaner, less sane, and more likely to treat Vick like the losing dogs were treated.

Posted by: ron on July 18, 2007 12:05 PM
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