May 02, 2007
I Want to Believe

As devout Rosie O'Donnel fans and well-known skeptics of all "official" explanations of the obvious 9-11 cover up, we too had noticed strange and troubling similarities to that disaster and the recent (and supposedly) fire-induced collapse of the 580/980/880/80 overpass in Oakland. Everyone knows a liquid fuel-fed fire cannot collapse a steel structure! That bridge wasn't even carrying a load!

Turns out we're not the only one who have suspicions, and now others are prepared to blow the lid off this thing. As this BoingBoing summary shows, 429truth asks all the uncomfortable questions, and finds the answers lacking. How could an overpass built to withstand earthquakes succumb so easily? What did governor Schwarzenegger know, and when? Who stood to gain the most from snarling Bay area traffic for years to come? Where were all the Jews on that fateful night? The government may be too powerful for us to find the real answers, but we must try!

Via Instapundit, whom we hope has a foil hat at the ready. We do!

Posted by scott at May 02, 2007 12:12 PM

eMail this entry!

Please provide your science and engineering background that makes you an expert qualified to state "Everyone knows a liquid fuel-fed fire cannot collapse a steel structure!" Most Americans can barely spell, write coherently, or even understand grammar and punctuation. Most know very little geography and less science, but are somehow qualified to evaluate disasters?

There's always more than one force involved in a collapse (except, obviously, common sense). I am deeply disturbed that the latest conspiracy theorists and general paranoids are also turning against Jews. Doesn't anyone know any history any more? Please do yourself a favor and research the beginnings of Hitler and the Third Reich.

If you want to research a conspiracy, how about finding out about public opinion and the power of the media and politicians to sway people with emotion and religion. The low standards of public education is more likely the result of a conspiracy than the accident on the bridge.

Posted by: sylvia on May 2, 2007 01:39 PM

The funniest part of satire is the people who don't get it.

Posted by: scott on May 2, 2007 01:48 PM

Eh, I really can't blame any Jews or friends of Jews for lacking a sense of humor about conspiacies, especially ones that have been made as anti-semitic as 9-11 has been. The Holocaust wasn't that long ago, and there actually are people seriously claiming that the truck driver involved in 4-29 was an Israeli spy operating in concert with the CIA to dis¢redit Rosie 0'D0nnell and the Google movie with the initials 'LC' that makes your spam filter start breathing fire.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on May 2, 2007 04:25 PM
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