August 15, 2005
You anti-socialist aggressor!

I'd known North Korean propaganda was almost screamingly funny since at least my college days (back when my brother was stationed in South Korea and I was keeping track of those things). However, I had no idea nobody'd bothered to make it all available on the Internet... until now:

Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency, or KCNA, is the only regular source of the views of the secretive government of Kim Jong-il available to diplomats, journalists and scholars.

But there was no way for them to search the archives of KCNA until Geoff Davis, fighting boredom during a rainy San Francisco spring, decided to hone his Web design skills on a topic he had followed in news reports on the North Korean nuclear crisis.

"Their propaganda is often unintentionally hilarious and I couldn't find an existing searchable database of the KCNA on the Web. Thus, NK News was born," Davis told Reuters.

NK News is indeed a remarkable trove of the very best from the very worst leftists left (as it were) in the world today. Strangely, I see some definite resemblances between these press releases and some of the more extreme writings of the peanut gallery. I'm just saying...

Soros et. al. only wish they were this funny. Too bad they do seem to take themselves this seriously.

Posted by scott at August 15, 2005 02:48 PM

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