June 02, 2005
Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yër?

Monty Python would be proud:

Got a gun but no game? Try Sweden's new moose stock exchange, launched by the Scandinavian country's state-owned forestry firm Sveaskog Thursday.

See the løveli lakes

Sveaskog rents its grounds to 3,200 hunting teams with allotted kill quotas and teams will now be able to offer moose they do not expect to shoot to would-be hunters.

The wøndërful telephøne system

Interested hunters can also post requests to use part of a team's quota on Sveaskog's Web site, www.sveaskog.se/jfn, the company said in a statement.

And mäny interesting furry animals

Moose hunting is something of a national pastime in vast and sparsely populated Sweden, with 250,000 hunters felling some 100,000 moose each year.

Including the majestik møøse

No mention of swallows (laden or otherwise), nor any advice as to whether coconuts actually migrate or not.

Posted by scott at June 02, 2005 01:59 PM

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