May 05, 2005
Hontards, ho!

Jeff gets his second no-prize of the day for bringing us a tale of clowns, wiggers, and defenseless Japanese economy cars:

2 weeks later, he is asking to borrow my cordless drill.

He just bought a body kit, yo, and heeds to be down fo' shizzle wit da tool dawg to istall it, no wut hes sane, dawg?

Body kit. Pay attention. It gets good here.

So he drills all of the holes, double sided tape and screws this motherfucker to his car, and it REALLY is beginning to look like a space ship. or a an alien life form. Or a circus car. Well, circus, not yet. Thats coming. heres the problem. The body kit is white. The car is dark green. It looks like a burrito vomit.....and the car is a full 4 inches wider, and 2 inches lower than it was before.

He cant get the doors to open or close properly, because the "body kit, yo" is catching the door jamb. So, always the helpful one, I give him my grinder. That was the coolest, watching this 'tard grind on his new 1200 dollar yo yo word up body kit. word. It was the flyest, dawg.

Now, I wouldn't have quite as much fun as this guy (or Jeff for that matter), because the spider is actually in the same weight class as these clowns. But beating a 32 year-old sports car with your brand new ricer is sorta like a 16 year-old golf champ out-putting Arnold Palmer. Possible? Yeah, but who would you rather hang out at the clubhouse with?

Posted by scott at May 05, 2005 12:59 PM

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