January 16, 2005
Brings a Whole New Meaning to "Dog Blanket"

My sister-in-law for years collected her Husky's sheddings, and because it was a Husky she ended up with bags of the stuff. Now there's a place for her to send it:

Victoria Pettigrew started VIP Fibers three years ago in Morgan Hill, Calif., and according to a December report by the Knight Ridder News Service, has an enthusiastic clientele of pet owners who pay her to make specialty items (blankets, pillows, scarves) from their animals' hair - ''Better yarn from your pet than a sheep you never met.''

My brother's wardrobe may never be the same.

Posted by scott at January 16, 2005 11:04 AM

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hell, with the amount Pongo sheds, we could outfit ourselves with a different jacket for each day of the week...

Posted by: ron on January 17, 2005 08:45 AM
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