January 04, 2005
Maybe I Should Blame Condi Rice Instead

Did we say big oil caused the tsunamis? We really meant giant Russian tsunami bombs:

Would the Russians, being aware of an event such as [the imminent nuking of Houston], realizing the power it would give to Bush to go "Empiring", would they do one better and not only stall Bush's "warring" but also show off their ability to rule the world as well?

Yup, this is our "Houston to be Nuked by the Mossad on December 27th" guy. Since Houston is now a giant smoking hole whose radioactive glow Karl Rove uses to read his newspaper with, it's obvious we all have to start taking this guy seriously.

I think Lair should go first.

Via AmberGnat.

I used to have scary nightmares about a third world war,
With mushroom clouds and firestorms and blood and guts and gore,
So Mom explained the reason we won't get blown away:
We've got a little buddy who protects us night and day

A little green bug-eyed monster flew in from outer space.
She's hanging out in orbit just to save the human race.
So if Karl Rove or Cheney decides to drop the Bomb
She'll zap those deadly missiles and preserve our peace and calm.
-- Alan Thiesen.

Posted by scott at January 04, 2005 11:58 AM

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This guy is amusing. I wonder if he makes his own foil for his hats - because Condi has now planted tracking devices in the foil itself...

Posted by: ron on January 4, 2005 02:26 PM

I'm pretty sure this guy is part of a network that has predictions of a nuke going off for every single day of the next 20 years, simply so they can say "See there! Now you HAVE to listen to me when I say it was done by the government / Mossad / Masons / whatever, without any evidence besides my ability to hedge my bets, I mean, spot the REAL conspiracy!"

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on January 5, 2005 12:00 PM
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