September 30, 2004
There is no Joy in (Jolly Old) Mudville...

Mighty Silverstone has struck out:

The British Grand Prix has been dropped from the Formula One schedule for the first time in over 50 years, it was reported on Thursday.

The guys on Speed channel had mentioned this as a rumor during the last British GP. It'll be the first time in the series's history no race is scheduled for Britain. Imagine NASCAR without Daytona, or if Indy just got closed up one day. And I like Silverstone! Very cool track! I don't understand how they can justify racing in the glorified alleyways of Monaco and yet not go to the for-real Silverstone. Bugger.

Jeff gets a no-prize for bringing us news of this dark day in F-1 history.

Posted by scott at September 30, 2004 02:11 PM

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Good riddance! The BRDC were trying to go cheep, and frankly with circuits like Bahrain and Shanghai, there is no place for Silverstone UNLESS it (or the government) invests heavily at upgrading the infrastructure and the track itself.

I remember driving on the circuit in a Formula Ford a few years ago and it was fun, but I can see the millions of cracks on the asphalt, when I asked why this is the case considering it is the "mother of F1 tracks" they said, no worries it'll get fixed very quickly. That was about 4 years ago and nothing was done about that!

Cheap lot they are, and they should have been axed a few years ago.

Posted by: Mahmood Al-Yousif on September 30, 2004 02:58 PM

Well allrighty then. Don't hold back, M, tell us how you really feel :).

Interesting counterpoint. Thanks!

Posted by: scott on September 30, 2004 03:07 PM
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