September 23, 2004
Welcome to America, Land of the Loony

Let's hear it for the good ol' USA, land of the free, home of the wacky:

To hear Jake Jenkins tell it, he's battening down the hatches in a battle against evil.

As he opens the door on his Waller Street home, the sound of scraping metal and wood escapes through the cracks. He's pulling back the bars and beams that keep his family secure.

And the witches out.

And yes, folks, he has kids, 8 of them. Home schooled no less. Liz gets a no-prize that weighs less than a duck (look it up) for bringing us this story of just how quirky quirky can be.

While researching that story, I also stumbled across this follow-up:

A man who spoke about his fear of witches says he's concerned his comments will prompt the county's child-welfare agency to conduct an unwarranted investigation of his family.

Jake Jenkins said a story in Wednesday's Times Leader made him sound "like I'm crazy." He didn't deny talking to a reporter about what he believes is his battle against evil, but he said he thought his name wouldn't be used and that he could give a "generic story about the witches out there."

Further research revealed he has in fact registered properly for home schooling, apparently with better-than-average plans and paperwork. The family keeps to itself, doesn't bother neighbors, pays their taxes, and doesn't seem to have broken any laws. To their credit, law enforcement has therefore left them alone.

But I do worry a bit about this guy. The original report makes it sound very much as if the father has some form of untreated mental illness, and that can be dangerous. However, it would seem he's been living like this for at least twenty years, so it may just be he's really, really weird.

I'm happy the current administration is one that doesn't seem inclined to go after people just because they are extremely weird. Those who think we now live in a police state would be well served examining these other incidents. Not that it will make much difference. It's only a police state when it's attacking my weird hangups. Otherwise it's just rational, no?

Posted by scott at September 23, 2004 09:14 AM

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