September 22, 2004
When "Hubba Hubba" Attacks

I learned two things from this article:

  • Australia has some seriously stone-cold hotties and isn't afraid to show 'em.
  • The US has no monopoly on busy-body talking heads who get vapors every time a lady steps out a bit.
  • [You are sleeping on the couch tonight -Ellen]

Rrrmm... ok, make that three things. Woot?

Posted by scott at September 22, 2004 08:23 AM

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I move to nominate "stone-cold hottie" as the best oxymoron of the day!

Posted by: Rob on September 22, 2004 03:35 PM

Obviously they never saw the infamous Jennifer Lopez green dress (which can be found at for a comparison).

Or maybe they did and just never thought anyone Down Under would wear anything like that... *shrug*

Posted by: Drumwaster on September 23, 2004 04:30 PM
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