September 04, 2004
Well, at Least These are Meant for Kids

Star Wars kiddies rejoice! The animated Ewok TV movies are coming on DVD. Oh, you know, the ones made 20 years ago?

Hee! That sound you're hearing is Ellen's and Richie's bones creaking a bit. I told you guys you'd catch up with me eventually!

Posted by scott at September 04, 2004 07:56 AM

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I told Amber that the key thing to realizing that you're now old is when you can watch The Breakfast Club and think to yourself that they all looked like they should be in high school - even though we know they were in their mid-20's at that point...

Well except michael anthony hall, who was roughly 12...

Posted by: ron on September 4, 2004 10:48 PM

those ewok cartoons were so gay as were the star wars droids ones

Posted by: richie on September 5, 2004 02:29 PM
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