May 09, 2004
"Moore" Lies

Everyone's favorite "truth teller" Michael Moore seems to have got caught with his controversy hanging out:

Less than 24 hours after accusing the Walt Disney Company of pulling the plug on his latest documentary in a blatant attempt at political censorship, the rabble-rousing film-maker Michael Moore has admitted he knew a year ago that Disney had no intention of distributing it.

The admission ... lent credence to a growing suspicion that Moore was manufacturing a controversy to help publicise the film.

Of course, just because he lies to get publicity doesn't mean he'd lie in the film itself.

Oh... Wait...

Posted by scott at May 09, 2004 09:45 AM

eMail this entry!

Here's the URL, where Mr. Moore "admits" (and from what I read the article is based on):
"[someone from disney]:"Michael Moore has known for a year that we will not distribute this movie, so this is not news." Yes, that is what I thought, too, except Disney kept sending us all that money to make the movie. Miramax said there was no problem. I got the idea that everything was fine." [snip]

Posted by: jadda on May 9, 2004 03:02 PM

After reading this, I went to the bottom link that Scott provided (the one about Bowling for Columbine). To say that I'm livid would be an understatement. I actually did something I never thought I would - I emailed the guy (transcript below). It'll be interesting to see if he replies...

Everyone - you should check out the bottom link. It's amazing how badly this guy will lie.



I just read a criticism of your Bowling for Columbine movie and then, to be fair, I read your response. I was particularly amazed by your rendition of Charlton Heston's speech - it goes so far as to twist the words the man said completely out of context and make any reasonable person detest Heston. This was, no doubt, your intent. However, after reading the criticism and your absolutely insane response (you answered not one of the points. Basically, you tried to explain your way out of them without admitting that you were wrong to do this), I've come to the realization that you are absolutely nothing more than a money-hungry leech on society intent on doing nothing more than lying to the American people in a vain attempt to advance your political agenda.

Couple that with the recent nonsense about Disney, and I feel that you are a despicable human being who deserves nothing more than to be ignored by any real media outlet for the rest of your pathetic existence on this planet. I assume that you won't bother to read or respond to this email - that would be too much like actually confronting the truth for you - I'll end with saying that you will NEVER get a single cent from me in the form of royalties from any of your movies, books, shows, etc. That's the only real thing that I can do to help right the injustice that you've performed, so that's what I can do.

I will, however, appeal to any last shred of decency or dignity that you might have and ask you to come out and publicly admit that you've manipulated the truth into lies for nothing more than personal gain.


Posted by: ron on May 9, 2004 08:28 PM
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