April 29, 2004
The Cult of the Card

I mean, really, are the Palestinians that fascinated with death? You be the judge:

The cards are the depressing and all-too-familiar scenes from a child's life here, such as an image of a child killed in a demonstration against Israeli soldiers ... Another image, of a little boy dressed up as a suicide bomber, they have seen in regular marches by the extremist groups.

The author tries really hard to present an evenhanded account, mostly by emphasising how tragic it is that kids have to see this stuff. But even they seem not to be able to overcome the horror of it:

There are prizes for the first kids to complete their Intifada album ... normal, harmless rewards for a game that seems to perpetuate an abnormal culture of suffering, martyrdom and revenge.


Posted by scott at April 29, 2004 01:46 PM

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