February 21, 2004
Wingnuts: Tight; Foil Hat: On; Bomb Shelter: Ready...

Ok, from this site, I gather that national ID cards, the new world order, Bush, Hitler, and the Jooooos!!! are inter-related. However, when I tried to understand exactly how, my head exploded. Maybe you can figure it out.

Posted by scott at February 21, 2004 09:12 AM

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okay - I didn't take the time to read much past the ID card thingee b/c I'm tired (remodeling the condo and all). However, there has been a movement going for years that linked the Jews to world domination. Basically, it's the whole Zionist thing that everyone hears. Typically, in America, the skinheads, KKK-types, and other groups like this tend to idolize Hitler as he discovered the conspiracy and tried to fight it. They also tend to think that the American gov't has lost it's way and needs to get back to it's Aryan roots and other nonsense like that. Given that, a National ID Card is just another tool in the oppressor's armory - and will allow them to know where you are and what you are doing at any time. Of course, it's known as a tool to promote 'safety', but everyone *knows* that it's a tool of the Zionist oppressors and their attempt to reduce Aryans to slavery!

Okay - enough of their diatribe. It's rubbish, but you can't tell that to a fanatic...

Hope this helps



Posted by: Ron on February 22, 2004 09:11 PM
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