February 09, 2004
When Senility Attacks

Rob gets a no-prize made of Mars rock for bringing us this howler from the journalist voted "Most Likely to Drop Dead at His Desk" this year:

The moon is like a trip to the mall compared with going to Mars. The moon is 250,000 miles away. Mars is 35 million miles. Scientists have said that it would probably be a one-way trip for whoever made it, because gravity on Mars is so strong that it would be impossible to bring along enough fuel for them to take off and return to Earth. [emphasis added]

Scientists? How about simply misremembering a New York Times columnist? (Slashdot link because NYT wants money to see the article now.) Besides, the whole fuel issue is, well, a non-issue at this point.

Of course, this is just Andy Rooney. Don't bother writing an angry letter, because it'll just give him a reason to create a snarky reply bit rhythmically snorting about "space geeks and sci-fi nuts with no jobs." Besides, it's not like he's on a prestigious news show famous for its investigative reports and fact-checks.

Oh, wait...

Posted by scott at February 09, 2004 03:18 PM

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