February 02, 2004
Welcome to Wingnutville, Hope You Enjoy Your Stay

And on the right side of Wingutville's street, we have someone comparing the US with North Korea as far as our freedoms are concerned:

The [Heritage Foundation's 10th annual] index [of economic freedom] delivers the comforting conclusion that the US is the 10th most free country, far ahead of 155th ranked North Korea.

The Heritage index is ahistorical. It is blind to the enormous loss of freedom in the 20th century, especially in the US and the UK. It takes as its starting point the re-enserfment of populations and predicates a “freedom” index on unfree labor.

Or, to summarize it much more succinctly, we have Delong's take:"Slaves Were Happy! And Well Cared-For! Really Happy! Much Happier Than People Like Me, Who Have to Fill Out Schedule C!"

And people call me extreme...

Via cobb.

Posted by scott at February 02, 2004 10:02 AM

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