December 04, 2003
Bah. I Need My Walker. You Do Too.

While this effort by a girl scout troop to make a video to help keep kids safe is commendable indeed, I laughed out loud at this one:

Youngsters are advised in the video to give police accurate descriptions of people, such as whether someone is old, like Britney Spears, or even older, like your grandmother.

I'll bash 'em with my cane, I will!

Posted by scott at December 04, 2003 08:22 AM

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damn! there are two things that REALLY bother me about that...

1) "old like Britney" - she's like 22, isn't she??

2) "or even older, like your grandmother" - isn't there SOME ages in between???? and also, how many "old like your grandmother" people really threaten kids... it's more like "old like Scott" people who do.... heh!

Posted by: Jim S on December 5, 2003 10:48 AM

:P, I say, :P

I only threaten kids when they won't get off my damn lawn.

Posted by: scott on December 5, 2003 10:51 AM
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