October 27, 2003
Damned JOOOOOS!!!

Similar in theme to "The Stand", but much funnier, we have JOOOS!:

You probably are wondering why the Jews get blamed for everything and not someone else like the Polynesians. Well, it's because "Jews" is easy and fun to yell. Try it right now. Just shake your fist in the air and shout, "JEWS!" Isn't that fun.
I've also heard that the Jews killed Jesus (actually, there's a whole film produced by Mel Gibson coming out about the crucifixion of which the working title is Look What Those Pesky Jews Did!). It seems strange to get angry about that, though, since Jesus came back to life a few days later; no harm, no foul. But did you know that Jesus was Jewish? Maybe Christianity is some big Jewish conspiracy. Ever get annoyed about having to get up early on a Sunday to go to church? Well, it's because of the...


I wonder if he'll get e-mail critiques of his history and accusations of being "biased" like I did...

Via Yourish.

Posted by scott at October 27, 2003 03:45 PM

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