August 20, 2003
Toilet Training

At least one person who reads this used to be in the Army, so I bet they and everyone else out there in the services will appreciate this bit about how one soldier thinks a certain kind of port-a-potty could be improved.

I distinctly recall a conversation with my mom when Jeff was in basic all those years ago:

Mom: "He called me and said he was terrified."

Me: "What, of the drill seargents?"

Mom: "No. He said he was freaking out that the Army was giving loaded guns to teenagers who didn't have any idea what to do with them. He swears he saw one kid from Brooklyn trying to point the butt end at the target."

Me: "Tell him to keep his head down."

I don't think any of the recruits managed to shoot my brother, but apparently more than a few were capable of it, if only accidentally.

Via Site-Essential

Posted by scott at August 20, 2003 01:21 PM

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