June 17, 2003
Lesson of the Day: Don't Lick Boobies

Children, the word for today is Scopolamine, a wonder drug of zombification:

There are so many scopolamine cases [in Columbia] that they usually don't make the news unless particularly bizarre. One such incident involved three young Bogota women who preyed on men by smearing the drug on their breasts and luring their victims to take a lick.

Losing all willpower, the men readily gave up their bank access codes. The breast-temptress thieves then held them hostage for days while draining their accounts.

Ah! So that's how women do it!

Posted by scott at June 17, 2003 12:55 PM

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Where can I get some of this stuff?? Is it beer flavored? ;)

Posted by: Ellen on June 17, 2003 05:41 PM
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