March 05, 2003
Rent-a-Cop, Meet Rent-a-Lawsuit

Of course, not to be outdone, the right occasionaly does things like arrest people over what is on their T-shirts. Actually, reading between the lines, I get the feeling what happend was the rent-a-cops at the mall started it by asking the guy to leave because they disagreed with his politics. The guy then returned the favor by refusing to do so. This is what the cops arrested him for (as far as I know handcuffs are required when someone is actually under arrest, no matter what the offense).

What makes this so delicious is I'll wager these two rent-a-cops were pretty tin-badge heavy and had transformed themselves into food court stormtroopers. I've seen it happen before, and I'll wager you have too. I imagine they had no idea the guy they were picking on this time happened to be a lawyer working for the state. Dogs chase cars because it's fun, but sometimes the car stops and the guy who steps out is holding a bat.

Karma is funny that way, sometimes.

Posted by scott at March 05, 2003 09:58 AM

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Arrested for displaying "Give peace a chance!" Absolutely absurd. Want to bet those two are looking for another job today.I wore a T shirt that said "Another Mother Against The War" in 1969 and 70. I was also very pregnant with Jeff. I hate to think of that man's son seeing his dad hauled away in handcuffs

Posted by: Pat on March 5, 2003 10:07 AM
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