February 26, 2003
If Cheech & Chong Ran an Election

CHONG: "Hey maaan." [fwwwwppp] "All these elections man, everyone's so boring."

CHEECH: "Yeah man." [sssssspp] "It's like, George this, Al that, Robert and, " *giggle*, "Trent. I mean, who the hell names their kid Trent anyway?"

"I know what ya" [fwwwwwp] "mean man. They need to get some better, you know, candidates and stuff."

"Yeah! Yeah! Waitaminute... I gotta idea..." *giggle* [sssssspp] "wouldn't it be cool if, like, Frankenstein ran for president?" *snort*

"Dude! Oh man! That would be so" [fwwwwp] "cool man. And, like, we could vote for, like, old has-been movie stars like Tony Curtis." *giggle*

"Oh man, I had an even better idea!"

[long silence]

"Well, dude, what's your idea?"

"Huh? Idea? Oh! Oh yeah! Like, we could have politicians with names that didn't make no sense man, like 'Britain War' for governor."

"That'd be so cool man. Too bad nobody ever thought of that."

"Yeah. It sucks. Nobody'd ever do anything cool like that"

Posted by scott at February 26, 2003 03:54 PM

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I read about a guy who changed his name to "None of the above" and ran. Funny stuff.

Posted by: Pam on February 26, 2003 06:23 PM
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