January 15, 2003
I'm So Glad You're Here to Tell Me These Things, Pt II

"AMCGLTD", I hear you all asking us, "just how are we supposed to tell fake UFOs from the Real Thing? I mean, even when I wear my tinfoil hat, sometimes I'm just not sure... I keep getting that 'not so legitimate' feeling... what am I to do?!?"

Well, dear friend, you've come to the right place. Tired of mistaking that hubcap hanging from a wire for an intergalactic starship? Not quite sure if the spaceship coming to take you away is just that damned Stevens kid with his battery-powered frizbee again? Having trouble figuring out which Raelian to trust?

Fear not, fellow believers, for we have found just exactly how to tell a fake UFO from a real one.

And always remember...

Keep watching the skies -- but use caution!

Posted by scott at January 15, 2003 07:35 PM

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Yeah, but what about the

Posted by: Stani on January 16, 2003 02:45 AM
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