October 25, 2002
Guns Don't Kill People, Dogs Kill People

Step 1: Load shotgun
Step 2: Leave shotgun safety OFF
Step 3: Lay shotgun on ground
Step 4: Stand in front of shotgun
Step 5: Hilarity ensues

We're almost gone, but this was just too good.

Posted by scott at October 25, 2002 10:44 AM

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He feels like such a fool cause he is such a fool. Could have been his head not his ankle bleeding.

Posted by: Pat on October 25, 2002 03:23 PM

this is a cool site. but I would like it better if you told a few stories on how dogs could be killers! espesialla big one

Posted by: erica on February 1, 2005 05:37 PM

this is a cool site. but I would like it better if you told a few stories on how dogs could be killers! espesialla big one

Posted by: erica on February 1, 2005 05:37 PM
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