October 24, 2002
Larry Shoots... Scores!

I gotta admit, it took me looking at this one for a second to figure out exactly what went wrong, but when I did I got a good laugh.

I mean, what do you expect? If it isn't happening in DC, NY, or LA, I mean, it's not happening anywhere to a national press monkey.

Posted by scott at October 24, 2002 01:16 PM

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Am I missing the joke. Alabama has four and Georgia has only one of the letter A.

Posted by: Pat on October 24, 2002 08:22 PM

Go look at the *map* that comes up. From MSNBC.

Posted by: scott on October 24, 2002 08:25 PM

I know they mixed up AL. & MS. on the map, I still don't understand the reference to spelling of Alabama and Georgia Duh

Posted by: Pat on October 24, 2002 09:57 PM
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