We have tended to, well, call people with... extreme... religious views, things like, well, "wild eyed wackos", and "glittery eyed fanatics", and, well, other things that might be construed as being contemptuous of the entire Christian Fundamentalist community at large. In general, these sorts of thick-headed luddites (oops! there we go again!) tend to be called "right wing".
So, in the interest of equal time, we'd like to present to you this really, really choice example of a complete wacknut from the left. This guy is not, repeat not kidding, even though at times he sounds like it. While reading the replies I kept expecting the Heaven's Gate people to start pulling out Kool-aide and purple tablecloths.
Found via the Norwegian Blogger, who MST's them nicely.
Such is the price of "freedom of speech" What is so frightening is that they are soooo serious. This is the first time I have read anything that is even close to what was and still is published about Bill and Hillary.
Posted by: Pat on October 21, 2002 07:39 PM