October 01, 2002
Snowbird of Death

My mom went through this recently with my grandad. It took him wrapping his car around an 18-wheeler before they finally managed to get him off the road.

Posted by scott at October 01, 2002 03:05 PM

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The accident happened two years ago. The first time I managed to get his car keys away from him he called the the dealer, told them he had lost his keys and they sent him a new set. He finally did a U turn in front of an 18 wheeler that smashed his car to bits. His only injury was a six inch gash on his left arm. I was only a week away from a hearing to have him declared incompetent when my brother moved him to Missouri and into a nursing home. He died three months later. A very sad, sad situation. I don't know the answers to these situations when people are a danger to themselves and others.

Posted by: Pat on October 1, 2002 08:07 PM
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