July 30, 2002
The Circle of History

Ever wonder why Islam was such a hit with the south-eastern half of the Roman empire? Lots of reasons, but one of them is because Christian leaders would do things like this. Actually, compared to some of the arguments the church got into in the early Byzantine period, this one is pretty substantive. At least it's over something you can touch. And unlike those old arguments, nobody got burned to death over the disagreement, but probably only because they weren't allowed.

People in the Levant have started revolutions over things almost exactly like this for at least three thousand years. I'm not kidding. Thousands, millions of people killed over where a chair happened to be placed.

Posted by scott at July 30, 2002 01:31 PM

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"What have we done that God is punishing us like this?"

answer: cast a stone. It may or may not have been the first stone, but ye who casts stones... and all that.

Posted by: Jim on July 30, 2002 03:04 PM
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