July 08, 2002
It was WORTH It!

This shit is great! Whoever did this caught this guy red-handed.

In my opinion, she was being mild about it. Only a tad mad. I once told Scott( our on going joke) that if this ever happed to me, I would mail him her head in a nice white box with a red ribbon on it. Oh yeah, then he would 'disapear' too. *wink*

Cool comeback

Posted by Ellen at July 08, 2002 03:34 PM

eMail this entry!

Ah, the joys of the Italian/NY wife. Can't do anything small, must have opera in all aspects of life.

Sung as opera diva:

~"Oh my GODDDDDDD!!! Weeee arrre out of T-hoi-let-PAPER!!!!!"~

Posted by: scott on July 8, 2002 03:46 PM

ROTFLMAOPIMP @ Ellen's aria. I think you better duck and run when she sees this comment.

Posted by: Pat Johnson on July 10, 2002 08:53 PM
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