October 23, 2010
Exit, Walkman

After thirty years and some two hundred million units sold, Sony has officially ended production of its iconic Walkman cassette player line. They were too expensive for me when I was in high school, but around 1995 or so I picked one up that included an AM/FM radio. It was quite good!

Posted by scott at October 23, 2010 02:47 PM

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I have a Walkman MP3 player (actually 2; 4 MB and 16 MB). The first one I got because I wanted something like an ipod, but wanted a radio, so I got the 4 MB Walman. Then, I realized I needed more capacity, so a couple years later got a 16 MB Walkan. I have been extremely happy with both of them.

Posted by: bogie on October 24, 2010 06:50 AM
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