October 08, 2010
Matrix Hydrochloride
Me: It’s not covered by insurance and it’s expensive.

Amber: What do you mean? It’s an OTC! They should have told you that!

[[Phone does the cute blingidy bling ring]]

A, on the phone: “It’s over the counter.”

Me: “It is? Where?”

A: “Look for it in the diarrhea aisle.”

Me, {suddenly channeling ‘Mister Anderson’ scrabbling desperately, looking around for agents with wires in their ears,} “Ok…hang on…uh… Prilosec, Benedryl,…Dramamine?”

A: “No. It’s called Meclizine.”

{It’s hard to walk around bent over like this… where are my Ray-Bans???}

Me: “Methyl what? So it’s not Dramamine.”

A: “No. What milligram did you get scripted out for?”

I can hear her do the angry pharmacy frustration dance. For her not able to reach her hand through my phone to snatch it off the shelf for me is killing her.

Me, in a whisper: “Uh… I DON’T remember!” … {where are the agents? Where are the agents?!?}

A: “Where is your script?”

*I can feel the fumes coming through the phone.*

Me: “The… the pharmacist has it.”

*I start to look around the aisle to make sure no one will witness the event that will happen over the phone.*

Then it happened:

A: “You go take that box up to the pharmacy counter and ASK them to tell you if the drug you got scripted is OTC. They should have told you that your script you handed them was an OTC! AN OTC!! OTC!!! GAH!!”

*Desperation sets in as I’m trying to turn down the volume of my phone and not being successful at it. I’m getting stared at and it sounds like I have a very angry chicken on the other end of the phone. {Calm the hell down, Morpheus…}*

A, being a pharmacy tech for many years, well…. she sorta snapped during employment with an old people retirement facility. All those years of filling prescriptions for diuretics, heart medication, prescription strength Vagisil, and lots of Valtrex…

A: “You go up there. And ask them. What the better. Deal. Is! They should have told you that drug was an OTC! You should not pay prescription price for an OTC drug!”

Me:”…ok. I’ll call you back.”


Me: I got it. The pharmacist was not very happy that I was not told that was not an OTC. She got upset with them.

A: GOOD! She should! That is an OTC drug!

Me: When will this work?

[[Phone does the cute blingidy bling….]]

{And the editor tries to throw more Matrix references in, right before Ellen grabs the @!R$@#%#@%#@}

Posted by Ellen at October 08, 2010 10:39 PM

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Posted by: Mark on September 20, 2011 11:15 PM
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