November 18, 2009
Broken Clock Proof

The title comes from the fact that, aside from the motive behind it, I think stacking a whole bunch of buckets full of pig pee and poo in front of the US Capitol and using fans to blow the stench toward it is a good idea. It'd make the physical atmosphere match the moral and political one for the first time in, what, forever? This is a frakking Democratic administration, people. There's bound to be someone we can sue and/or guilt into making this happen!

Posted by scott at November 18, 2009 06:39 AM

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The idea definitely amuses me, though I'd be more inclined to accept it if they were dumping it on the floors and members of said institution than just blowing it at them.

My idea on how to protest PETA is better, IMHO: I think the best thing to do would be to get an electronic billboard that counts the cats they've euthanized. Base the timing of the count on last year's filings and then scroll through a different picture of a cute kitten for each one. Have a banner above it that reads, "Last year, PETA killed 93% of the kittens dropped off at their shelter. This picture of a kitten represents number 237 of the 1,749 they killed rather than adopted out. This is your PETA donations at work."

That ought to get some publicity, no?

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on November 18, 2009 08:46 AM
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