July 23, 2009
Um... that's Kinda Freaky

Chinese scientists have announced the ability to create viable and fertile mouse pups from adult mouse skin cells. Cloning whole critters is all well and good, but I'm looking forward to the day they can clone spare parts.

Posted by scott at July 23, 2009 01:52 PM

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Well, if they started a clone of your entire body once you hit, say, 40 or so then the organs would be ready for replacement around 60 - when most people seem to need them. The question then would be is this clone actually alive? Is it aware of its surroundings? Does it have a soul? Does it have soul? Can it get down and boogie?

If you could develop it without a brain - but with all the other organs intact (which fails for sensory organs outright) then it might be okay to do. Kind of icky, to say the least. Hell, you could do it so you just transplant the brain into the new body every so often.

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on July 23, 2009 03:41 PM

Lots of issue in this situation. Hopefully there will be a way to grow spare parts individually in alab but that is a long way from happening.

Posted by: Pat J. on July 23, 2009 06:08 PM

I'm willing to wager that, given the baby boomers' demographic strength and growing fear of death and disability, that if we can't find a way to clone the organs themselves, we'll end up going the "clone a whole human and butcher them for spare parts" route, only with the beneficiaries kept blissfully and willfully unaware of how their cloned organs are actually made.

Posted by: Tatterdemallian on July 24, 2009 01:25 AM

Nah - I think they'd be completely okay with it as long as they didn't have to see it. Honestly, if there's no brain involved such that the organism could be considered to have self-awareness, how's that different than creating a single organ? Other than the ick factor?

Posted by: Ron ap Rhys on July 24, 2009 08:37 AM

Although I often have an erotic dream where I gain twenty pounds, clone myself, and then have sex with the clone. This would make that dream possible. GODSPEED, YOU SCIENTISTS OF CHINA. GODSPEED.

Posted by: DensityDuck on July 26, 2009 01:55 AM
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