June 15, 2009
Water Magnet

A new theory holds that it's Earth's oceans that are responsible for the planet's magnetic field, not the core. It's hard to tell from the article, but the theory appears to account for recorded variations in the planet's magnetic field over time. Things like pole reversals, and strength fluctuations, which core-centered theories haven't been able to account for. It'd be interesting to find out what sort of predictions the theory makes.

Posted by scott at June 15, 2009 06:37 AM

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I wonder that those funny water swirl/cloud spheres you see at the museums have that theory as well.

Posted by: ellen on June 15, 2009 08:48 AM

So, does that mean that when global warming floods the whole world, magnets will work better? Or will they all overload and explode, killing our babies and pets? I'd better get rid of them just to be safe... but how do you dispose of them safely? I read somewhere that you have to demagnetize them first by sticking them to an operational computer case to draw all the magnetic stuff into the ethernet. BRB

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on June 15, 2009 07:36 PM
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