January 23, 2008
Minigun Fun

Ron gets a no-prize that'll go through a box of bullets at an alarming rate for bringing us news of a .22 caliber rim-fire minigun. While cheap to fire and comparatively lightweight, I can't help but think the ATF has had a lengthy, mind-numbingly bureaucratic discussion with this guy. Can't have the plebes building their own automatic weapons, eh?

Posted by scott at January 23, 2008 08:58 AM

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As it turns out, they are being investigated by BATF for something unrelated. I'm not sure on the particulars, but it appears that a replacement part they're selling has some sort of paperwork issue such that they've suspended all sales for the time-being.

But, to own the minigun requires a Class 3 license (probably a collector/dealer license that allows full-auto weapons). That's probably a large enough expense that it'd deter most of us from getting one.

That being said, the government has absolutely no business regulating this sort of thing. If I have no history of actually committing crimes and I want to build or buy a railgun for my personal use, too damn bad. There's no reason they should know, care, nor have any say in it. None at all.

Posted by: Ron on January 23, 2008 09:30 AM

Well, there's always that .50 caliber air rifle the fellow in Alabama came up with.

Posted by: walt moffett on January 23, 2008 05:42 PM
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