January 21, 2008
Like a Boil on the Earth's Butt

It's pretty hard to worry about global warming melting the Antarctic ice sheet when Antarctica is busily trying to melt it via more direct means. A "sub-glacial" volcano is just another reason why screwing around with glaciers is bad.

Posted by scott at January 21, 2008 08:24 AM

eMail this entry!

Remember that the melting ice caps raising the sea level just means that you'll end up with more valuable property.

Well, unless you get imminent domain'd. That would suck.

But I do know of a nice house in a lovely city that's for sale. Hard wood floors and it's on 1/3 of a semi-wooded acre...

Posted by: Ron on January 21, 2008 04:00 PM

Find him a job out there Ron!!! :)

Posted by: ellen on January 22, 2008 09:09 AM

Jobs are everywhere - besides, I don't know his particular qualifications. That and I know that he wants to get a few years under his belt in this latest computer language that he's learning.

I think it's called Fortran. Supposed to be a completely new thing that revolutionizes how we all do business.

Posted by: ron on January 22, 2008 10:21 AM
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