January 02, 2008
Debate, Most One-Sided

While this mash-up of a speech from Naomi Klien and clips from various Milton Friedman appearances can only barely be called a debate (and dude... volume matching!), it still provides a nice side-by-side comparison of what Friedman has actually said versus what leading lights on the left claim he said. Straw men don't exist just for Dorothy, don't ya know?

Go watch the whole thing (it's really only a few minutes long). It should definitely provide fuel for thought, if not fire.

Posted by scott at January 02, 2008 11:50 AM

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All I can say is (clenching my fist) a hearty "Right On!"

Posted by: Mark on January 2, 2008 02:32 PM

I get the feeling she was giving her speech to a bunch of very like-minded folks, whereas Friedman was actually bothering to talk with those that might disagree with him. That by itself speaks volumes about the intelligence and capability to get his point across.

Posted by: ron on January 2, 2008 07:51 PM
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