July 23, 2007
Elementary Economics and Unintended Consequences

Fark (of all places) linked up this economics 101 lesson in why oil prices are high (hint: it's an op-ed from the Ayn Rand institute). The comments on the article provide an abject lesson in the economic illiteracy of the Western world's 21-45 year demographic.

The second is about an unintended consequence of the current state of civil union laws. I definitely agree that a man who's wife now has a legally recognized domestic partner (male or female) should be off the hook for alimony. However, I do not think that it automatically follows that the only solution is legalizing gay marriage. It simply means the laws need further adjustment and re-writing to accommodate the change in circumstance.

My feelings on the legality of gay marriage are too ambiguous to have a firm stand (I'm mildly against it, but am still open to debate). However, I very strongly feel this is a matter for the states to resolve via legislative and most definitely not judicial means. Those who feel differently should more closely review the social and legal costs of our most famous policy-via-judicial-fiat decision, Roe v. Wade.

Posted by scott at July 23, 2007 12:55 PM

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