January 04, 2007
Bellwether Weather

So what really did cause the Maya to collapse? This group of scientists think it was the weather. By using a new technique to determine monsoon cycles over the past 16,000 years, scientists have found remarkable agreement between dates when monsoon rains were very poor and the decline and eventual collapse of two great prehistoric civilizations... the Maya and the Chinese Tang dynasty. As I recall, there actually are pretty good archaeological records which address climate change in these areas at these times. It'll be interesting to find out if they agree as well.

Posted by scott at January 04, 2007 02:27 PM

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While it's fun to try to point to a SINGLE catastrophic event, or
circumstance, that caused the decline and collapse of any
civilization, the truth is, it's waaay more complex than
that.... usually (e.g., the Roman Empire) it's due to a whole host of
factors. I'm not denying that climate didn't play a significant
part--no serious historian would--but it would take that AND a whole
host of other factors, in exactly the right sequence, to bring down
the whole Maya--or any other--civilization.

Posted by: Mark on January 5, 2007 08:59 AM
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