August 08, 2006
A "Hole" Town

Everyone knows strip mines are big places. I mean, they're what happens when you turn mountains into lakes. But it doesn't really sink in until you actually see one.

There's a vastly smaller open-pit quarry down the W&OD bike trail. For whatever reason, the builders of the trail made a nice overlook into the main quarry, which is probably a half mile across and maybe a quarter of that deep. Still, quite impressive to see the tiny trucks with their six-foot-plus wheels creeping around like tiny Tonka toys.

I can't imagine what this thing must be like.


Posted by scott at August 08, 2006 11:37 AM

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To put that into miles, you'd be looking at a pit that's 0.326 miles deep by roughly 0.746 miles wide - so not that much smaller than what you've described, though the cubic volume difference would be substantial.

Posted by: ron on August 8, 2006 01:20 PM

Now they need to fill the hole with an top secret research facility large enough to have underground trains and rocket silos, and cover it back up with the mountain.

Because, dammit, I want to work at Black Mesa!

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on August 9, 2006 12:47 AM
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