May 12, 2006
Something Tells Me the Exhaust from This Won't Smell Like French Fries

Peak oil? What peak oil?

A New Zealand company has successfully turned sewage into modern-day gold.

Marlborough-based Aquaflow Bionomic yesterday announced it had produced its first sample of bio-diesel fuel from algae in sewage ponds.

Not much of a sample, but you have to start somewhere. Now, if everyone cracked down on those "greedy" oil companies and made sure they never made too much profit (while ignoring any losses), how far do you think something like this would've gotten?

Ah why do I even bother. Most of you still tell stories about 100-mpg carburetors and think the only reason we don't have solar energy is because you can't put a meter on the Sun. Foil hats on the left as you leave, please.

Posted by scott at May 12, 2006 01:39 PM

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