October 07, 2005
Soopa City

Pipe dream, or the future, now? Considering the hit-and-miss nature of "futuristic" cities that actually get built (think Brasillia), I'm not so sure I'd sign up for a condo. Then again, Hong Kong and Singapore are about as out there as it gets, at least in places. If they build it, maybe they will come.

Posted by scott at October 07, 2005 10:32 AM

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Well, it seems that they might have some good ideas, as well - eliminating mandatory hiring practices, making the area tax-free for international companies, etc. You're right, it might be a pipe dream and all, but Korea is becoming a bigger and bigger powerhouse economically, so if they can convince some major businesses to come, they'll be positioned for success.

Of course, I'm not sure why the other cities like this haven't worked, but I seem to remember that Brasilia suffered from bad location, lack of true economic interest in the area, poor-planning, and generalized corruption - but I could be wrong.

Posted by: ronaprhys on October 9, 2005 12:54 PM
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