September 29, 2005
It's the Logistics, Stupid

Jason over at Countercolumn got a letter that uses a simple number to illustrate just what a mammoth effort is involved in Katrina relief:

I tried to explain what a massive undertaking it is to move the National Guard into the Katrina affected area to my wife. I had very little success until I broke it down to one number. 8 pounds. It is a magic number. The planning weight for a gallon of water. Times two gallons per person per day minimum. Times 40,000 personnel for the National Guard to support itself. The number gets pretty staggering really quick. 320 tons a day. And that is just for the water.

Meanwhile Instapundit links up more evidence showing it wasn't just the feds who had structural problems.

Posted by scott at September 29, 2005 10:57 AM

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