September 09, 2005
VA Beach or Bust

This time, instead of vacationing in the remote (and broadband-less) wilds of Arkansas, your intrepid duo is heading down to Virginia Beach. Since our equally intrepid blogsitters are ass-busting busy prepping for a big move, we've decided to take our laptop down with us so as to keep you plebes happy with bread and circuses*. Or, if you will, keep The Grammas happy with various pictures of a cavorting grandchild. Regardless, posting will be sporatic, then (probably, depending on how cheap wine is down there) relatively steady once we settle in. See you there!

* The fact that the laptop also has a DVD player which will be inflicted with used to play various Barney, Wiggles, and Elmo DVDs is merely a bonus. Yeah, bonus.

Posted by scott at September 09, 2005 09:00 PM

eMail this entry!

it's not that we're selling our place, it's that someone doesn't want a lot of posts about OSU, the Cowboys, and another someone doesn't want 'dogs are better because'...

Posted by: ronaprhys on September 9, 2005 09:56 PM

I have had broad band service for over a year now, right after I got electricity and running water. lolo

Posted by: Pat on September 9, 2005 11:03 PM

I think you guys qualify as a trio instead of a duo. lol

Posted by: Pat on September 9, 2005 11:04 PM

We can't wait until Sunday since that is when we are heading out to the beach...the NC flavor of beaches that is.

Not sure about our internet access but we might be able to get some beachy pics up and out.

Have fun! It's too bad you couldn't come with us.

Posted by: Joshua on September 9, 2005 11:34 PM

There is a new hurricane off the coast apparently headed for the Carolinas. Please be careful! The proper response is "Yes, Mommy Dearest" lol Sorry I just can't help myself.

Posted by: Pat on September 10, 2005 12:54 AM
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