August 16, 2005
Speaking of Revenge

Just making some folks feel old (for me, saying something)...

Some time tonight, thirty-six years ago, Camille becomes more than just a girl's name.

Gah, who am I kidding... I'm still older... *cReAk*...

Posted by scott at August 16, 2005 08:14 PM

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Your dad worked with two men who drown when Camille completely demolished the Richelieu Manor Apts. on the beach at Pass Christian. I mean there was nothing left except the foundation. Several people survived the storm surge in those apartments but when you see the pictures it is a miracle anyone survived in the whole town. We had moved to Florida in July 1967 or we would have been living there.

Posted by: Pat on August 16, 2005 10:29 PM
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